Saturday, January 31, 2009

Sunny Day!

I went out to Linda's today to work on her cabinets and I stopped at the lumber yard to get the wood I need along the way, and they don't have it. So I head down the road to the other lumber yard. They don't have it either. Now all I'm looking for is about 4' of 1x2 red oak. Needless to say I didn't get to work on her cabinets and won't now since I am not going to Reno to get that wood. I'll have to resort to plan B. I'll get those damn things done yet.

So one good thing about today, actually a couple of them were that I got another load to the dump and got to visit with Stan and Elaine for a while. It was such a nice day that when I got back in town I decided to go walking up the Bizz. Some snow in places, kind of muddy and soft but still it was a great walk and was nice and warm in the sun. 15 days to go.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Vision board

Some time ago I was introduced to the movie "The Secret" and in it they suggest that you create what they call a "vision board" to start you on the road to making your dreams come true. That move is all about what I have always called the power of positive thinking and it's message is a good one for everyone whether you take their premise at face value or just take what applies to you.

Anyway, I never made a vision board because I didn't really think I had any unrealized goals that I wanted to shoot for... until talking to Karen the other night about this subject. She made herself just such a board many years ago, well before the movie ever came out and sure enough her dreams came to fruition. So it seems that I do have some aspirations that I want to see come true and I ended up yesterday sitting on the floor of my very vacant house building myself a vision board. It's a work in progress but it revolves around my relationship with Karen and where I want that to go. Where do I want that to go? I want to spend the rest of my life with that beautiful lady and you know what that means, don't you?

16 days to go before I'm outta here. I moved it up one day so I can see Krista since she will be visiting her Mom that weekend. So Sunday the 15th is my travel day. I CAN'T WAIT!!!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Drive up 44

There was a bit of snow up around Lassen Park where I took this video. Sure was pretty even though it looked cold. At least the sun was out and it wasn't snowing, ya gotta love that!

But that was yesterday. Today I had to work for a few hours unloading and then getting the stuff we got distributed. We had an interesting load of Donate Don't Dump items and we got most of it moved out but not all of it. The sun was out today but it wasn't all that warm. But, you know, I'm not complaining. I have a weather report for Idaho Falls and today it never got out of the single digits and this evening the last I looked they had a +3. It's going to be below zero again tonight there. It was 12 here this morning so we are getting some of that chill too, but still not that bad. I'll be calling that place home soon.. Ice Station Zebra!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Back in Susanville

I had a very pleasant drive back from the coast today. No traffic and a nice sunny day as soon as I got over the hill. I stopped along the Eel river and took this picture. It was a little muddy from the recent rain and everything was still dripping but it was not too cold.

My trip back was rather uneventful and there was some snow on the road in places up by the turnoff to Lassen Park, but otherwise smooth sailing and a quick trip. I got back to Susanville around 2:00 and saw that it had snowed here a little. Good thing I missed that, I'm sure I'll see plenty of it when I get to Idaho. It was pretty going through the mountains with the new coat of snow on the trees too and I took a couple of short videos of it, but don't know if I want to post them. Maybe...

Sunday, January 25, 2009

On the cusp...

Of a major change in my life I think. No, I know! In a couple of weeks I'll be out of my Susanville box and in a new adventure and chapter in my life. Right now I'm over at Tracey's having some quality family time and seeing some liquid precipitation. Yep, rain! Idaho Falls has been getting snow out of this series of winter storms and soon this liquidity will turn solid and change colors to white when I get back there. It's all good and once I get there travel will not be a big issue for me the rest of this winter.

But for now I got to the beach yesterday for a brief time with Tracey and the kids and got a good hug from my little Alisha doll. We did a little shopping at the mall and stopped by Fields Landing on the way home and that's where the picture was taken. Good times and memories to be sure! Tomorrow I'm off to the east and back to Susanville... a place I'll soon refer to as a town I used to live in.