So they say! Well, I'm finally down to my last tax preparation class and all I have left to do is go take the final on December 1. I'm not worried about passing it but I still need to bone up some before the test. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and Karen and I plan on staying in and having a nice day by ourselves. We were invited to have dinner with a couple of different friends but having it alone together seems like the best thing to do for both of us.
Karen's video card finally showed up this evening so tomorrow morning I'll spend a little time getting it installed and see how that nice big monitor she got is going to look. Since the cold has set in here, it's not very comfortable going out but if the sun is out we might take the dogs for a walk or something.
So time marches on and if you listen very close you can hear the footsteps.
Generate Your Own Patterns
15 years ago