From the hill you can look out toward the Jefferson Monument and the view is nice as you can see in the second picture. You're looking across the Potomac River but the Washington Monument and Capitol are to the left out of the picture.

We started at the warf along the Potomac River and walked back up to the Metro and tried to visit as many of the old sights as we could without making too many detours. The old City Hall was built in the 1700's and is still used today even though there have been some renovations. We went inside and looked around a little but since it is still being used we didn't stay too long.

This picture of the City Hall was taken from across King Street looking over the courtyard. They had a flag on the building for some reason, or maybe it's there all the time, I don't know. Nevertheless we had a wonderful day poking around in some of the old churches and looking at all the old headstones of the people buried there, many dating back to the 1700's.
We head back to Utah on Wednesday so this is the last weekend here in DC. I'm not sure what we are going to do for the few days we have left, we saw almost everything we could think of except maybe Mt Vernon. Both of us have been pretty tired lately since we are going somewhere each day I guess so maybe we will just take it easy, we'll see.