Check out the Forest Service Museum. Yep, that's about all of it in that picture of me with the fire video going. Of all the museums we have been to so far this one was the smallest and least impressive. One thing about it though, the receptionist actually knew Bob Shultz from the Plumas and I couldn't believe she actually knew someone I know... small world.
The Lincoln Memorial was pretty impressive too and from the front steps you could see the Washington Monument down at the

end of the reflecting pool, the same one I saw in Forrest Gump, I might add.
We even took the tour to the top of the Washington Monument and I took that last picture of the White House from the dirty window.

I was a little disappointed with some of the government buildings including the White House in that they are like armed camps. No trespassing signs should be posted everywhere since they won't let you on places like the front steps of the Capitol or anywhere on the grounds of the White House. I guess that's just the sign of the times considering the terrorist crap going on in the world these days.

Every place we went they send you through metal detectors and your pack and camera need to run through scanning devices. I guess that's the price we pay for a level of safety, huh?
Still, it's been wonderful exploring the tourist areas and we have seen all sorts of very cool stuff, so it's all worth it.