Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Crabs and Clams

So my daughter and her husband took me out with them to get some clams and crabs. It was a minus low tide this morning so some good areas were exposed in the Humboldt Bay near Fields Landing. I slept in a little and didn't go with my son in law and his friend when they left early since I had neglected to bring my fishing license with me. I didn't have any rubber boots either, which is also a requirement of this expedition, so I stayed on the shoreline and looked at all the exposed shell beds. They were digging for horseneck clams and found quite a few. After that muddy experience we went to another place to throw in the crab pots and they got these 2 nice rock crab.

One of the great things about being near the ocean is being able to do stuff like this but for June 4th, it could have been a little warmer for my blood. I like hot and hot was far removed from the cold wind that was blowing all the time we were out there. It was still a great experience and something new for me. Needless to say, we are eating clams for dinner tonight... Yummy!!

Monday, June 2, 2008


First of June and I decided that I haven't been up to Goumaz yet so that would be a good place to go on the first day of the month. Of course, that was yesterday and today I'm heading over to Fortuna to visit my kiddies. My trips this year might be fewer due to the outrageous price for gas. That's a subject that it's best not to get into here, so back to Goumaz. It was a pretty nice day, not too warm, not cold... almost just right. I ran into quite a few people along the trail, mostly bike riders. If I hadn't seen anyone I would have been really surprised.

There was a fair amount of water going down the Susan River and it was white water in the steeper places. I'm not sure if they are letting water out of McCoy or if it's just runoff.

The last picture posted here is of the only blooming onions I will eat. I didn't eat any of them but they sure gave the edge of the trail a nice colorful fringe.