I have been a busy guy lately. Not doing anything very important, mind you, just busy all the time it seems.I've been doing the usual climbing, riding, hiking, yada, yada yada. I had a partner the other day, Chris got a day off so I took him out and tortured him. It wasn't all that hard to go where we went but there was a little chugging uphill to do, as there always is.
We went up to Tom's Thumb and tried to climb it. It's climbable I'm sure, but neither one of us felt confident enough to try to get all the way to the top. Chris made it to a ledge about 2/3rds of the way up and I stayed a little below him.

Falling from there would have been very bad and we didn't have that much to prove by climbing all the way anyway so we decided not to push it. We walked all the way around and tried another spot on the back side, which might also be doable, but we didn't go too far up.
That second picture is the place I'm talking about. The perspective in this picture actually makes it look a little steeper than it was, I think. That's as high as Chris tried to go, by the way.
It was good for me to have somebody to go with since climbing on this rock alone is not a g

ood thing and lately my mind has been on an old friend of mine most of the time so having someone along gave me a diversion from my normal thought patterns.
I spent most of the day today working in the warehouse, putting my pallets together for next month, but now I'm feeling kinda lazy this afternoon for some reason. I have nothing important planned this coming week so I guess I'll be out and about as usual... Life is good!