We had a great trip to Greenville. Unfortunately we didn't get to the solar cookoff as we had planned but we took everyone up to Crystal Lake instead and since it was such a nice day it turned out to be a wonderful thing to do. While we were there a bear decided to come down to the lake for a drink and Krista got some pictures of him but I was off climbing rocks and didn't get to see him. We had seen this bear a couple of days earlier when we had come up to the lake so I didn't feel like I missed much.

Now we are back in Idaho dealing with moving again and fixing things to get the house ready to sell. The basement has a couple of leaks in the walls and here is one of them. That hole is about 4 feet deep and with that water pipe in the way it was a little hard to dig. I covered the crack with an asphalt sealer and I don't think that will leak again any time soon. Now we have another one to fix but that one is going to be an above ground fix that involves concrete work. We don't have much time since we are leaving with our final big load for Greenville on Saturday or Sunday, depending on the time it takes to fill the truck. So in a few days it will be back on the road again but the end is finally in sight... YEAH!!!