We took a drive yesterday out to Heise Hot Springs. That's pronounced Hi-C. The hot springs out there are very commercialized and they have a swimming pool, RV parks, picnic areas, campgrounds, you name it. It costs $8 to use the pool, another $1 to use the hot pool, another $1 to use the slide which looked like fun, or you can pay $15 per person to get everything. There were lots of people and it was a very popular place and not like the hot springs I usually like to go to. Needless to say it was a nice day to visit since it was nice and warm and sunny most of the day. It was a good thing we went yesterday because it's been raining on and off all day today and it's pouring down right now so not a good day to be out driving around.
After we left the hot springs we drove out along the Snake River and followed the road all the way to the end. That was a nice ride and again there were lots of people camping along the river and ATV's running all over the place but still it was nice to be out of town. The picture we took up the river about half way to the end. There were lots of fishermen in boats and on the shore but I never got to see anyone land one. And I didn't take any pictures of the hot springs but then I didn't see too many things to take pictures of there anyway.