Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Headin' south tomorrow!

I'm off to the desert tomorrow afternoon. This time the desert is not what I'm going down there for, Karen is. The weather for the Vegas area over the weekend is supposed to be nice with temps in the mid 80's. Looks like I'll get to wear my shorts again.

This time the trip is going to have a different meaning for me, I've never made this drive with the prospect of seeing the lady I have a huge crush on. Did I say crush? Major understatement, I have to tell you, there is so much more to it than that. Needless to say I am terribly excited and the hours between now and then are going to drag by for me.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Bizz Johnson Trail

Had a nice slow ride up the Bizz today looking at the scenery and thinking about my favorite subject. The colors up here are a little more vibrant than the ones up Piute Creek where I was yesterday. I took my time and didn't get home till about 4:30. The late day angle of the sun gives everything a different hue so it was worth getting dinner started later than usual. Tomorrow I'm going to meet Chris and do a little quail hunting out at Laufman where I used to work. The station is closed now but the quail are usually in the area because of the springs.

The top picture here was taken at Cady Springs from the Bizz. The bottom one was the bridge just downstream from where the top picture was taken. Saw a few people today up there but the person I really want to see I won't get to see until Friday, but I guess I'll just have to wait for that. I can do that... I think.

Fall Color

Went up the park trail system yesterday for a short bike ride before heading up on the hill to sit on the bench and think for a while. The colors are somewhat subdued this year compared to last year, maybe because we had such a hard freeze last week that shocked some of the vegetation. I know that I saw trees around town that had leaves killed by that freeze and they didn't have a chance to turn colors. Anyway it was a pleasant day, fairly comfortable and sitting on the bench in the sun felt real good.

On Thursday I'm driving to Vegas and I won't be back till the first part of next week. To say that I am looking forward to spending a few days down there with Karen would be a huge understatement, and going to the desert this time of year will be a nice warm change of climate. Warm weather with the lady I want to spend time with, you can't beat that. Now all I have to do is get through the week!