Lately I have been feeling a little empty for some reason. So of course, bike riding somewhere pretty always feels good and Eagle Lake is close by and makes a great place to go so I did. It was a beautiful day and I rode from over near the CDF fire station all the way to Eagle's Nest and back. The paved trail is such a nice one to take and I had it all to myself. It was nice that I didn't see anyone since I was deep in thought most of the time and didn't need any distractions. Ridin' and thinkin', a great place to ponder.

Anyway, the lake is low and it looked to be about a foot lower than it was last year about this time. Since this is a natural lake and the level is not regulated in any way, the effects of the extended dry season this year are apparent. I remember some years ago when the lake levels were so high that the road along the north east side, Highway 139, was very close to the water. They were even talking about moving the highway up on the rim rock, but that never happened. The bottom picture is looking across Gallatin Beach toward the Jetty and Marina. There is an osprey nest at the top of one of those trees in the foreground, but it really wasn't the focus of this picture. Yada Yada Yada...