Friday, December 26, 2008

Fun in Idaho

I just love seeing Karen sitting next to me in my truck so I had to take this picture before we went out the other day to go shopping. The snow has been getting deeper around here and with the wind there were some rather deep drifts as you can see on the roof of her house.

Christmas is over for another year and soon the year will be over too and since it has been such a bad one for Karen we can say good riddance in about a week.

The pictures on this page are from the past few days, I just haven't had time to post any so I'm playing catch up. There is one of us sitting at the kitchen table having coffee and checking email, of course I'm not in the picture, I took it. That's Cody, Karen's Grandson sitting there with her.

I also wanted to get one of the scene out her back window, which is the next one down. I really want to see this view when it is green.

I'm having such a great time here and I'll be having to leave soon to go back to Susanville and I'm NOT looking forward to that at all! The problem with life is that nothing is final or static. There is always another chapter or an end to the good times. In the same respect there is always an end to the bad times too so I guess it all evens out, huh? Nevertheless my trip here will be ending soon and I'll have to head back down the road, a drive that will not be a fun one for me.

But for now, it's all good. I took a picture the other day of Karen wrapping presents on my bed downstairs. I like this spot and it's right in front of the downstairs wood stove and if you look closely you'll see I had a fire going. I really miss wood heat and I have been making fires regularly while I have been here and they make the place nice and cozy!

Hey Tom, check out the gas prices here. It was $1.41 the other day when I got gas so it has gone up a couple of pennies I see. I gave the lady $20 and actually got change after filling my tank from near empty. It's been a while since I did that.

One of the attractions in this town is the fountain in this last picture. I don't know what it looks like when the water isn't hard but it's quite interesting when it's all frozen. Karen had showed me a picture of this but there was nothing to give it any perspective and I didn't know how big it was until I saw it. There is a round-about that goes all the way around it and it's on the way to Walmart so I've been there several times. I took that picture as I was driving since I couldn't talk Karen into getting out to pose for me. (She didn't want to climb over the big pile of snow, and I don't blame her.)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Spent the last 2 days out and about on the town with Karen doing her last minute Christmas shopping. We had lunch yesterday at the Highway Cafe which is a local eatery and had a very interesting and quite good 3 course lunch. The roads were trying to thaw out some but every now and then you still had to use 4-wheel drive to get around. No new snow today, but Christmas day we are supposed to be getting another dose and on top of what we already have, it will really be a white Christmas here.

Today Karen and I spent shopping again and had lunch at another local place in the same shopping center where her office is. She was joking with me about being bored but it's all good for me, I'm not only enjoying everything we have done so far but also the company as well. Tomorrow her daughter Krista and her family are coming up from Logan Utah and we are fixing dinner. Good times, no doubt! I have a few pictures I took today but I will post them tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Church Service at Karen's

Sunday we had a nice dinner and church service at Karen's for her second church group. Ham, and a bunch of other stuff were on the menu. I had the honor of cooking the ham but the dinner was a group effort. Sonny is the gentleman sitting at the head of the table and he is the pastor for this church. Sonny is also a pretty good chess player and he beat me, which was the first loss I had so far since I got here. Nothing wrong with getting beat by a man with God on his side, is there? It was a great day and with lots of good food and company Karen will make me a socialite yet.

The weather continues to be interesting up here, it snowed about 8" yesterday so now we have about a foot of snow on the ground. The street got plowed today so now you can drive without getting stuck. Ya gotta love it! Yep! I do!