I'm a retired wildland firefighter having worked for the U.S. Forest Service for 28 years. I have 3 kids, all grown up and 5 grand kids. I was divorced in 2004 and was pretty happy with my life in the last few years being the bike riding, retired, fishing, lonely, confirmed bachelor that I was. But things changed for me when I got reacquainted with an old friend named Karen. So, Karen and I were married on September 11, 2010 and now we live in Greenville California. My, how things change.My Web Album
Well, seems like another indoor day to me. Actually I don't think getting out and riding my bike will be in the cards for some time. It's between 5 and 8 outside right now and as you can see the forecasted high for today is 6°. We have to go to the Post Office but other than that no need to get out today and that suits me just fine. Global warming, huh? Yep, no doubt about it, the global icecaps are melting but they are reforming here in Idaho. Ya gotta love that!
Yes, it's a winter wonderland here, but I think it's that way all over the western US so don't get me wrong, I'm not whining. This is a picture I took out the window of Karen's office a little while ago as well as the current temperature here. You can't tell in the picture but it's snowing lightly which is something I wasn't used to when I moved here. I mean that when it's this cold out west it normally doesn't snow because it's too cold and the air is too dry, but back here it can snow it seems no matter what the temperature is.
So today Karen had to work and I need to get out and finish shoveling the walkways and go shopping. Once I get those chores done I'm just going to stay in and keep warm. I checked the pond in the backyard this morning and I had to chop a hole in the ice to see where the water level was. The ice is thick enough for me to walk on and I need to get the heater and aerator in there to keep the fish alive. Water stays solid this time of year here since it hardly ever gets above freezing during the winter. Did I say winter? It's still not officially winter but it's close enough for me.