I had a lot on my mind since an old friend of mine had recently contacted me (You know who you are if you're reading this) and I was lost in thought most of the ride. It was totally enjoyable and even though I had lots to think
about I didn't miss out on any of the great scenery. The trail is pretty good for the most part but there were some spots where I was walking my bike because of the rocks or loose soil. That first picture is one of the nice flat areas.
There were quite a few blow downs and I had to go around many of them since some were too big to go over. The smaller ones I could just step over or move. I'd guess that 2 guys with a chainsaw could clear it in less than a day but maybe the Lassen's trail crew budget has other priorities.
One of the pretty lakes up there is Trail Lake. That second picture is Trail Lake and the trail goes right along the shore. On my way back I sat on a rock on the edge for quite a while... thinking ... and it was a really nice place to do that.
Had a great day, what more could you ask for?