The air, not the bear. But then good ol' Smokey spells his name a little differently... with an "e."
Went up toward Cheney Creek today and got on some roads I had never been on before, and didn't even know they existed. Had some nice views of the Susan River Canyon... well, they could have been really nice if the air had been clearer. There was a yellow tinge to the sunlight from the smoke, and that is a sight I am quite used to seeing. I'd rather it wasn't smoky, but you have to take what you get, weather-wise, so it was all good.
Other than the smoke, the sky was clear.
There was very little good information on the fire over by Sloat, that one is called Cold. They said there were 1200 acres on fire, but I think that is in the complex, so I'm not sure how much of that is the Cold fire. Most of the smoke we are getting is coming from over by Chester, I think, more fires over there. The smell reminds me of fire camp. Ya gotta love those great memories!