Mothers Day found us in Logan Utah visiting Krista, Karen's daughter. They have a tradition of going on a hike on Mother's Day so Krista took us up the canyon behind Logan for a hike on the Crimson Trail. This trail climbs up out of the canyon and follows the top of a cliff and ends up down in a campground about 3 miles from the beginning. The limestone cliffs are quite precipitous but the trail is located well back from the edge most of the way. There were a few spots that gave Krista, who is afraid of heights, a scare as she walked by them.

The scenery was beautiful and it was a fairly nice early spring day with the flowers starting to bloom and the trees coming out. The creeks are running good with runoff from a good snow pack in the higher country. I'll be down here in a few weeks riding my bike on some trails while Karen and Krista are in Alaska, I can't wait!
In this last picture, Logan is out there at the end of the canyon and

the river down there is the Logan River and looks quite fishy to me.
So we had a great time and had a fantastic day out in the wild, which was something I had been needing for some time now.