Well, the trip back yesterday was rather uneventful. I did run into some bad road conditions but it wasn't bad enough to scare me like it has been on some of my other trips. It was snowing when I left Idaho Falls (Picture at the left) but it was so cold and windy that it wasn't sticking on the road, just blowing away as fast as it was falling. It snowed on me almost all the way to Wells, on and off but the worst part of the road was between Jackpot Nevada and Wells. There were a few places where it was almost a white out and the visiblity was so poor I had to slow way down. Once I got to Elko it was smooth sailing and dry pavement the rest of the way back.
The second picture is one I took on that stretch of road between Jackpot and Wells. I couldn't take one during the white out periods, much too dangerous to take my hand off the wheel.
I was between Winnemucca and Reno when the sun went down and the sunset was a glorious end to the day and I enjoyed that sight till the colors faded. The sun shining under the clouds was lighting up the top of the hills east of the highway so I tried to take a picture of them and got this interesting shot with the

foreground showing that I was moving along at a good clip.
As sad as it was for me to leave Karen's place, the drive yesterday was very pleasant and a postive end to a very wonderful 3 weeks in my life. I'm going to be doing whatever I can in the next few weeks to expedite my move, packing and making some plans for getting to where I don't have to say goodbye to Karen anymore. Those goodbye's are killing me and I am just not going to be happy until I can get to where I can avoid that very unpleasant situation.

Ya gotta do what ya gotta do in life to be happy, life is just too short and it doesn't make sense to be unhappy when you have the means to change that... and I do.