Saturday, March 10, 2007

Feels like Spring!

Had a nice bike ride/walk in the snow with tennis shoes today. I was planning one thing route-wise and ended up doing something a little different due to the amount of snow that is still on the trail I was planning on taking. Before reaching the first tunnel up on the Bizz, this slide has totally blocked the trail. I had to climb over those boulders.
My original plan was to do one of my favorite loop rides and go around to the Piute Creek drainage and back into town via Susanville Ranch Park. Considering the snow situation I modified that and came down the Highway 36 grade. The weather was wonderful with light warm breezes and plenty of sunshine. I would have taken longer to do this ride but cutting it off like I did shortened it up considerably. Oh well, had a grand time no matter what.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Oh, Man!

I was thinking as I sat in the sun today that it just doesn't get any better than this. But, it does. In fact, it's supposed to be nicer this weekend. Ya gotta love it.

Just before I left to go out for my walk, my new 22" monitor showed up. I'm going to be using that monitor with the new computer I'm building. I should have everything here by the middle of next week at the latest. My RAM will be the last to arrive at the party so by the time it gets here I'll have everything else assembled. Can't wait to get that sucker fired up. I'm putting a dual core processor in this one and 2 gigs of RAM, just trying to keep up with the state of the art... but I'm really more in the middle of the road with my choice of components.
Anyway, in contrast to the tech side of my life, the nature side was happening big time today. Still a little snow up there but the trail is really much better than it was a couple of days ago. After the nice weather we are supposed to get this coming weekend, I'm sure bike riding will be possible without damaging the tread on the trail. I'll be finding out first hand, I'm sure.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007


Man, I just love getting outside and basking in the sun. This is what it looked like yesterday at my favorite lunch spot up the Bizz. Still a fair amount of snow around and the trail was pretty soggy in places but you just had to be prepared for that when you put your shoes on. I laid on that flat rock and soaked up some rays for about 45 minutes before sauntering back into town. Never saw anyone up there, but then I rarely do. I had a sweater on and I felt over dressed most of the time.
Today is a little cloudy so I'm sitting here typing this instead of being out but that's OK. The forecast is for some nice spring weather coming up the next few days so I will be out doing something, that is a given. Trying to decide whether to go rip some hooks out of fishes mouths or just do a little hiking. I'll figure it out by tomorrow.. who knows?

Monday, March 5, 2007


OK, so I am totally obsessed with the weather, I admit it. How can it be otherwise for me though since all of my main kinds of entertainment are outdoor oriented. It all goes hand in hand. If ya wanna do outdoor stuff you better know what to wear for the occasion.

Yesterday and the today were pretty good, at least it was above the freezing point of water, ya gotta love that. Chris Marson came over and went bike riding with me yesterday and we ended up out in the Dakin unit of the game refuge again. The only critter we saw, other than birds, was a nice snake trying to warm up in the hazy sunshine. This guy was about 4 feet long. We left him just like we found him in this picture. Chris picked up a can for me later on and found another small snake using it for a home. Seeing snakes out and about is also a good sign for spring. OK, I'm searching for signs of spring, so shoot me.