Saturday, January 6, 2007

Day in the Valley

This is a local hot spring that has had no access for years. Now the railroad has abandoned their line and pulled up their tracks, effectively creating a road. Might be my next project, but I saw other folks looking at it today too. This picture was taken last year but it looked the same today.

There is some potential here and I'm just the one to take advantage of it.

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Friday, January 5, 2007

Cold Day

In my goal of covering the excruciating minutia of events that compromise my life, I'll add to this blog on a regular basis as long as I'm home.

I went for a long walk today up the Bizz Johnson trail. The temperature never got past the mid 30's but the sun was out and combined with a brisk walking pace, I was not cold at all. There was a little skiff of snow on the ground in places but it wasn't over the soles of my tennis shoes. Sure looks like a winter scene, huh? I can't wait to get out of town and head to the desert... something I will be doing very soon. I can totally do without the snow and ice, not to mention the cold weather but I live in an area that has that kind of winter.

Now I have been hearing all this shit about how warm it is this winter. Well, not here. I'm happy it's warm somewhere, even if it isn't supposed to be, but we have had more than our share of colder than average temperatures here this season. My theory is that it all evens out somewhere. It's warmer back east, and colder out west, it's all evening out. Anyway, had a nice walk and all I can say is "ya gotta love it."

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Thursday, January 4, 2007

Snow Day

A little snowy today, certainly a good day to stay inside. It will be pretty cold tonight with any clearing skies, I hate it when that happens.

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