Saturday, January 26, 2008

Winter beauty

It warmed up today to the mid 40's. I needed to get out after being pretty much home bound by storms for the last few days. The snow was about a foot deep where these pictures were taken about 2½ miles up the Bizz. I ran into the 2 ladies who put the ski tracks in there and thanked them for the nice trail. They were heading back and I had a feeling that maybe they had gone a little too far since both seemed tired and they still had a long way to go when I ran into them. They stopped on this bridge so I turned around there too.

The fresh snow from last night left a nice bed for tracks and there were some interesting ones. The bird tracks really got me since you could see when they took off and their feathers had touched the soft snow. Way cool scenery and for a change I was over dressed. Tomorrow we are supposed to have more bad weather but today made it all worth while.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Snow? What snow?

Since I got back from down south last Sunday it has snowed virtually every day. It's not all that deep but there's more coming. The big snow we had at the end of 2004 was much more than we have now but it's still easy to get tired of the color white. Or is that lack of color? Anyway all this wet will probably lead to a much greener spring when it finally warms up and I guess that will be a payback of sorts. Where's that global warming?

Monday, January 21, 2008

Back from the desert

I came back from the desert a little earlier than I had planned due to the weather. I woke up in the place I camped out by the Racetrack in Death Valley and was ready to go on down the Lippincott road into Saline Valley to get to the hot springs. I listened to the radio weather forecast and changed my plan. Low snow levels and cold weather kind of made the reason for my trip, to get out of the cold weather, moot. But it was great while it lasted. The first picture was taken at Hole in the Wall. Very cool rock formations up there.

I tried to go to Corridor canyon but don't think I walked far enough. That's where the second picture was taken... below Ubehebe Mine. The Inyo mountains are the ones with the snow on them. Saline Valley is at the foot of those mountains.

I was a little disappointed at not getting to the hot springs but I might have to go back when the main roads are open this spring.

For those that like to live vicariously, check out my web album.