Thursday, March 31, 2011

Nice day for a bike ride!

And after I got some chores done, that’s exactly what I did.


I went out Stampfli Lane and up North Arm. It is all flat ground so not much exertion necessary and it was just a lovely day, nice and warm. Things are starting to get real green and the willows are even starting to come out. There is water running just about everywhere and the mosquitos are probably loving it since they are out in numbers.



I found a few little wild flowers but the prettiest ones were growing in our yard. I just love that I have a yard where wild flowers grow naturally. The weather is not going to stay this nice but then who would expect it to in the spring anyway. Next week we are planning on going fishing down at Shasta. Karen has to stay and work but I’m going with Bob and Dennis. So far the weather looks like it will cooperate with us but you never know. We have had to sit in pouring rain under a tarp trying to stay dry on some of our past trips and none of us wants to do that anymore so we are hoping for the best next week… we’ll see.