We found what seems to be the most perfect house for us near Greenville. Actually it's between Greenville and Crescent Mills but the address is Greenville. Ok, the truth is that this place has 2 addresses, one on Highway 89, Crescent Mills and the other on Mountain View Road, Greenville. Go figure. Needless to say we like the Greenville address and the mailbox is on Mountain View Road so we will use that one. I can't say I've ever lived in a place that had 2 addresses before. This is a pretty nice house, 4 bedrooms and 2 baths but already we have a fairly long list of things we want to do to it. The upstairs bathroom has this really nice skylight as you can see in the top

picture and it makes it totally unnecessary to turn a light on in there during the day. The view from the deck is really nice looking out to Indian Valley and the mountains that surround it. There are 2 small ponds that I want to clean out and you can see the cattails in the larger one in the lower picture.
We won't be moving right away since escrow doesn't close till the end of next month and we have lots to do to get the house in Idaho ready to put on the market. It's going to be a long drawn out process to move the 700 miles between houses and I hope we can keep the number of trips down to a manageable number. One thing for sure, both of us really love the view from the deck, check it out! Ya gotta love that!