What have I gotten myself into? This tax class is starting to humble me a bit... ok, a lot! I'm completely swamped with forms and schedules and tax tables and what not. Yep, lots of what not. Last night I had a nice little diversion trying to give Bob some advice on a computer issue. Now those things I know about. Taxes, dividends, taxable interest, publication 17.... ugh! I'm going to learn this one way or the other but man.... it's not easy for me. I don't know if it's an old dog new tricks thing or what but I feel like I'm barely keeping my head above water. Good thing I have a snorkle named Karen or things would be even worse. I have to give it to her, she knows her shit! Now if I can just keep mine together, then things will work out. One thing springs to mind almost daily... how in the holey hell did the tax laws get so convoluted? Why can't this all be simplified? Unanswered questions of our time!