OK, so I'm having a really cool bike ride up in the Frazier Cabin area near Antelope Lake and out in the middle of nowhere I see this blue thing on the ground. I stopped and checked it out and I couldn't believe it was a blue rapala fishing lure. The bite marks on it make me wonder about the story of how it got there. Almost as if some animal was pulling it off it's fur or something. Anyway, I'll never know for sure but it was a weird thing to find in the place I found it.

This picture of my bike is the spot I found that lure... see any water anywhere?
As I was riding down this road I kept remembering all the times I had driven a fire engine out there in that area over the years. I rode by one fire that I found a stuffed parrot on. Somebody had sent a stuffed parrot sitting on a perch into the air with balloons and it had landed right near a spot that got hit by lightning.

The lightning had started a small fire and as I was walking up the hill to it with my crew, I found this parrot laying on the ground. That thing ended up in my office after a patrolman brought it in and gave it to me and I had it for years. It was still there recently in my old office according to my friend Rene' who works there still. Anyway, I rode right past that fire on this ride and couldn't help thinking about it. This cabin is called Frazier cabin and it isn't habitable now. Must have been a line shack or something for coyboys.