Today was the first day of Karen's 2009 tax season. Now it's all work till April 17. At least for now she even has to work on Saturdays, starting tomorrow. Of course that's a bummer for me since I have to be leaving on Monday and I won't get a chance to come back till sometime next month at the earliest. I have some stuff to do around here today and I'll keep busy anyway, but I'd much rather be hanging out with the lady I love... oh well.
There is another storm moving in today but this one is a warmer one and we are supposed to be getting rain instead of snow, which will be a rather nice change from what seems to be the norm around here. Some of the side roads are still a little snowy but for the most part getting around town is not the chore it was last week or the week before. There is supposed to be yet another one on Monday when I am planning on leaving so I'm hoping for the best on that one. Worse case scenario is I have to stay a few days longer... mmmm, just give me a reason!
Generate Your Own Patterns
14 years ago