Sunday, March 2, 2008

Rockin' out!

Yeah, rocking out, alright. I went for another walk up on the Bizz slogging through wet snow most of the way, rocking out to my mp3 player. In fact, I even found a nice rock to lay on while I tried to get warm in the sun. Needless to say it was less than a perfect weather but any time I can get out and go for a walk or bike ride has to go down as a good day. It's funny, this time of year I am just waiting for the weather to allow me to do all of my favorite things and then when it gets here I will be too busy to get them all done. Life is a funny thing, fleeting and nebulous in many ways, and way too short. In reading my Bible I find that life spans were much longer several thousand years ago, in the 900 year category. I can't help wondering if the translation is flawed or if human beings can actually live that long. If you look at someone who is old, say around 100 years, their bodies are usually frail and multiply that times 9 and you have to wonder. Well, at least that's one of my "wondering" subjects.

At the end of this month I am planning on being down in the Death Valley area again, meeting my friend Chris and doing a little camping. By then the warm stuff should be setting in down there, they have already had temps in the 80's at Furnace Creek. I can't wait!

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