OK, so I am totally obsessed with the weather, I admit it. How can it be otherwise for me though since all of my main kinds of entertainment are outdoor oriented. It all goes hand in hand. If ya wanna do outdoor stuff you better know what to wear for the occasion.
Yesterday and the today were pretty good, at least it was above the freezing point of water, ya gotta love that. Chris Marson came over and went bike riding with me yesterday and we ended up out in the Dakin unit of the game refuge again. The only critter we saw, other than birds, was a nice snake trying to warm up in the hazy sunshine. This guy was about 4 feet long. We left him just like we found him in this picture. Chris picked up a can for me later on and found another small snake using it for a home. Seeing snakes out and about is also a good sign for spring. OK, I'm searching for signs of spring, so shoot me.
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