I just sauntered along taking my time and enjoying the smells and watching fish swimming in the river. I didn't go all that far and came back to the truck and thought I might drive up canyon to Logan Cave.
Logan Cave is an interesting sight with a stream coming out of the mouth of it but the Forest Service has it gated and posted that the area is closed to protect some bat that lives there. It seems that no matter where you go on public land now days there is either some restriction due to some endangered species or a closure to protect people from themselves. I can understand the desire to save the environment and I actually support that idea to a degree, but the folks who make these rules carry it to extremes and in effect are closing our public lands to the public which I don't agree with. Recently an old mine site in Death Valley called Keane Wonder Mine was closed to the public due to some perceived danger and luckily I had the fortune to see it before it was closed and low and behold I made it without hurting myself. To tell the truth, you'd have to be an idiot to hurt yourself there and then you'd deserve what you got for being stupid. But that's the mentality of the land management people in this country currently and like it or not, they have the power. Go figure!
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