Well, I decided to change my plans slightly. I'm gettin' outta here on Saturday instead of Sunday and if there was any way for me to do it sooner I would, but that's about the soonest I can go. I was thinking about staying overnight in Wells but now I think I'll just get it over with since I would be having a lot of trouble sleeping that night anyway. Funny how things in life create excitement like that. When I was a kid it was the night before Christmas that had the biggest impact on my excitement level I think. Now it's a lady I love, a slightly different scenario.

Went for a walk up the Bizz today in the sun even though it was pretty chilly. My thermometer said 35° when I left the house around 1:00. I had a couple of layers on as well as a pair of gloves so I was quite comfortable. I might get one more walk in on this trail tomorrow but after that I have too many things to do. It's a little weird to think about that since I have always had the option of walking on this trail on a spur of the moment for the last 4 years, and now I'm going to move away and might not get a chance to do it again. I guess I'm getting a little nostalgic now that the day I leave is coming quickly.
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