Yes, sunny but not exactly warm. Still, I walked up to the 3 mile marker and then climbed up to the rock ledge where I go to eat my lunch sometimes.

I was in a very contemplative mood today and sitting there in the sun was a good place to contemplate the things on my mind. Of course I was remembering sitting there eating lunch with Karen on one of her visits, and that was a nice thought. It was a surprise to me that I didn't see anyone else till on my way back. It's a Saturday so I would have expected there to be more people out and about but maybe I got a head start. I did leave around 10:30 and it was still a little chilly.
The snow up there looks worse than it is, there was a hard crust and you could walk right on top of it without breaking through most of the time. The mud, on the other hand, was something you wanted to avoid and I did. I

had to think some about the foot prints we leave through life and the ones in the picture prompted my wandering mind to think about that subject. We all leave traces as we travel though life and I guess some of us leave bigger ones than the rest of us. So, is the goal of life to leave the biggest trace or maybe the smaller the better... who knows the answer to that one?
All in all, taking a long walk gave me the time I needed today to get my thoughts and feelings sorted so it proved to be a very therapeutic thing to do. For me, getting out and into a natural environment is the best place for me to do my thinking when I have issues. And getting some exercise at the same time makes it doubly good. 4 weeks to go before I get to see my lady, hope I make it!
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