Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The great escape

Yeah, I escaped to the woods today to recharge my batteries, ride my bike and maybe shoot a quail or two. It was a glorious day, sunny and warm and I even found some quail to chase around. The aspens are starting to get colorful and I always love to see the variations of colors they get in the fall. I stood there watching the wind blowing the leaves, causing them to quake and it was a great thing to do. Ya gotta love the little things in life, and this was one of them. I had a little snack on some ripe currants I found, they were nice and sweet.

My little ride today was only 12 miles but there were some pretty good hills on this one and it felt good to get the muscles working. It's funny that when I first started riding my bike the hills were killing me. Sometimes I would have to stop and walk my bike up them until it leveled out a little. Now days I don't dislike the climb, in fact I enjoy the feeling of working my legs like that and I rarely have to walk my bike anymore.

The road I took today is one that I used to drive my family on going up to Antelope Lake. This road has been closed for some time but they didn't rip it and it's a very pleasant ride. It's a little grown over in places but the cows have kept a trail open through the brush. I kept thinking how I used to drive a Chevy Vega on this road...

I'll be leaving town soon and this will be the last time I get to ride up here for a while. But it's all good, I'm going to go help Karen with some stuff and of course I spent most of the day thinking about her. I just can't get that lady off my mind... but then I'm really not trying, go figure.

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