My little ride today was only 12 miles but there were some pretty good hills on this one and it felt good to get the muscles working. It's funny that when I first started riding my bike the hills were killing me. Sometimes I would have to stop and walk my bike up them until it leveled out a little. Now days I don't dislike the climb, in fact I enjoy the feeling of working my legs like that and I rarely have to walk my bike anymore.
The road I took today is one that I used to drive my family on going up to Antelope Lake. This road has been closed for some time but they didn't rip it and it's a very pleasant ride. It's a little grown over in places but the cows have kept a trail open through the brush. I kept thinking how I used to drive a Chevy Vega on this road...
I'll be leaving town soon and this will be the last time I get to ride up here for a while. But it's all good, I'm going to go help Karen with some stuff and of course I spent most of the day thinking about her. I just can't get that lady off my mind... but then I'm really not trying, go figure.
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