Monday, August 18, 2008

Something new.. but old.

Something new to me, I guess I should say. Yesterday while riding my bike up in the Babcock area I came across an old cabin that I never knew existed. It's located along an old railroad grade and I'm guessing it had something to do with the early railroad logging days or maybe a line shack for running cattle or sheep. Traces of the old logging lines can still be seen in the meadows, which seemed to be the easiest place for them to put them. You can easily see why locating roads and railroad tracks in meadows was not very environmentally sound, the remnants last for years.

This one even has what looked like an old telephone line running next to it. I looked a little bit for glass insulators, but they were all picked up many years ago I guess, I didn't find any. As far as I know, the last time there was any railroad logging here was in the early 1900's, so this old train track is an old one, but still totally visible. I see old logging railroad grades all the time up in this country since it was flat enough for a pretty extensive system, but I had never been down here on this one. I just love it when I get to see new stuff, even if it's old.

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