Well, we drove to church on Saturday night on slippery icy roads. It snowed light snow showers throughout the day on Saturday and there were a couple of inches on the ground by evening. Just enough to make the roads really icy and indeed they were. I have to give it to folks that live around here, they know how to drive in that stuff and you don't see too many people spinning out or driving too fast like I used to see in Susanville all the time. But then we are in the cold white north here and since the winters start early and stay late, the fools who don't know how to drive in the snow and ice are soon separated from their vehicles.
So today the sun is out and it looks nice outside as long as you have your Nanook of the North uniform on... with gloves and long underwear. Maybe I'll stay inside since I really don't have any reason to go out anywhere.
Last night I ordered a new video card and 22" monitor for Karen's computer so we can upgrade hers a little. She has a puny 17" monitor now and her video card wasn't capable of running the right resolution for a nice big monitor so she will be good to go before the week is out. It cost less for both of those than I originally paid for my 22" monitor... prices come down on electronics, quite unlike food, gas and other commodities. Maybe it's time for me to build another system. Mmmmmmm.......
Generate Your Own Patterns
15 years ago
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