Wow... January 1, 2008. Years fly by, or so it seems. I was just thinking yesterday about 1988 when I went to Yellowstone on the fires they had there. This year makes it 20 years ago. It seems like yesterday to me. Time is a funny thing. Does it flow like a river or is it just our imagination that makes it seem so? Who knows? I sure don't, I seem to know that much!
Well, today I believed the weather man this morning and expected it to warm up into the 40's. So I took my bike out to the valley and went for a bike ride. Big mistake. Wind chill has an added meaning when you are riding on an exposed bicycle in high 20's, low 30's temperatures. I only went for a few miles but they were anything but comfortable. In fact, I am still trying to warm up after that little excursion several hours ago. I now have a bone to pick with the Channel 4 weather guy. The highest my thermometer got today was 33°. That'll teach me.
I'm planning on a trip to the desert in a couple of weeks and I'm really looking forward to being able to ride my bike without getting frostbite. In fact, this trip down there is going to be more of a bike riding trip than any other I have taken down to Death Valley yet. My whole plan is to ride out some of the roads I haven't been on, and riding my bike on them seems like the best of both worlds. Ya gotta have a plan, that's my motto. (But you don't always have to stick to it, which is a new motto for me.)
Generate Your Own Patterns
15 years ago
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