As luck would have it, a pop fly foul ball came almost right to me and I ended up giving it to the lady in front of me since it actually came to rest in her seat. Having no idea what the protocol for that sort of thing is, I figured it rightfully belonged to her since she had gotten up to catch it and it ended up falling in her seat after bouncing out of someone's hands. I should have given it to Steve since he is a fan, but he kept telling me he didn't mind that I gave it to that lady... oh well, live and learn, huh?

On our way out there was a picture opportunity with some old dead presidents and Karen made me get in it with her so here it is. After the rain started we ended up leaving before the game was over and went to one of the museums to see some art and stay out of the rain. All in all it was a very nice day and a first for me... going to a ball game... go figure!
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