Since last Tuesday I have been up in the woods revisiting my old haunts. Well, some of them anyway, and a lot of new ones to boot. Went camping up at Conklin Park, a place where I used to go all the time to clean fire pits, paint tables, rake and do other maintenance tasks. I never camped there before, so it was a new experience for me. I never could see why people would want to camp there, but I guess perspective changes everything. Considering it's location, Conklin makes a great place for a bike rider to base from, you can go in all directions from there in big looping rides, which is what I like to do... and did for the last several days.

I climbed Squaw Valley Peak for the first time... well, didn't get up to the highest point, but got real close. The first 2 pictures were from up there.
I rode my bike up to the top of Ross Canyon one day, and another day went to the top of Black Mountain. I have been up to Black Mountain many times, but never to the top of Ross.

My last riding day I went up on Johnson Hill, hiked to the top and tried to take the road system out of there. Much to my dismay I found that the Forest Service has not only closed, but also ripped some of the main roads up into that area, which made access very difficult. I just don't see what they would totally destroy a road that has been there for 50 years or more. The result of what they did was way worse than just leaving it alone. A total waste of money for absolutely no good reason. Serving the public does not seem to be a consideration anymore, and that's sad. Certainly the public would be better served to use that money doing good things instead of destructive ones. Needless to say I need to write a letter to the Forest Supervisor and maybe my congressman to complain about this.

I took these last 2 pictures from up on Johnson Hill. Sure is pretty up there once you get out of the destruction zone.
I posted a ton of pictures on my
web album... check 'em out!
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