In the past 2 days I have put a little over 35 miles on my bike. Yesterday I went up the Bizz and down the trail system in the Susanville Ranch Park. Even though it could have been a little warmer for my blood, it was comfortable enough that I had a very nice ride. The day before that I went up the Janesville Grade and found that you still can't drive a 4 wheel vehicle up there yet. I did see a guy on a snowmobile who was doing some really weird stuff with it... and another guy had a quad, which should have done well on the hard packed snow. There is not enough snow for a snowmobile and I'm sure that snowmobiler probably didn't do his machine any good running it on dry pavement. I took this picture yesterday of the trail I was following. My tracks looked like the first of the season. It's supposed to snow tomorrow so maybe the bike riding will be out for the next few days. Ya gotta love the wild weather swings in the spring!
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