Friday, August 31, 2007

Fitch Canyon

Fantastic day! I can't say I can describe today any other way. I went up to the Fitch/ Cottonwood canyon areas to do a little bike riding and follow a road that has been closed for about 18 or 19 years. I had a couple of lightning fires along this road years ago so I was doing my usual trip down memory lane thing. As you can see from the first picture, the road has grown over a bit and had been ripped so it was a little soft for going up hill. I had to walk my bike most of the way up the canyon but it was a nice walk and once I got up on top I tied into the road system that is still open.

The road hasn't been used much and there were no other tracks than mine on it, as you can see from this other picture. I ended up going down past Doyle Reservoir into Fitch Canyon and back down Cottonwood creek where my truck was parked. I got there just as a real active lightning cell passed overhead, it started pouring and some of the lightning was pretty close. This was a very cool part of the day. The storm was a short duration intense thing and I had to move out from under the big trees I was parked under after a lightning bolt hit very close. It's generally a good thing to do to stay away from the biggest trees around in an area when avoiding lightning.
I'll be heading back up in that area tomorrow and I'll be looking for smoke as I ride long. I'd sure hate to see another big fire around here. Anyway, it was a fabulous day.

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