Last week Dennis, Bob and I spent the week fishing down at Lake Shasta. I stress the word FISHING because there was little catching going on. We got rained on a couple of days which seems to be normal for us even though we tried to pick a time when it wasn’t going to rain. There was one day early in the week that I actually got most of my heavy clothes off and got down to a t-shirt but it was short lived and never happened again the rest of the week.

One day we stayed in until after 1:00 in the afternoon waiting for the rain to stop, which it finally did. I didn’t catch a fish that day but both Bob and Dennis did.

The last evening we were there I added up the number of fish we had caught during the week and to my surprise it really sucked. I looked back through my fishing log and found a year when I had caught over 180 fish myself and this year I only got 29. At least we did get some nice ones the day we ate them for dinner so that was good.
One thing about fishing, you just have to love being there and enjoy it for the outing and when fishing with friends enjoy the company and I did both of those. Catching would have been a good thing too, but then I guess you can’t have everything, can you?